The first items necessary to organize your area with the Civil Defense Manual.
To my Readers… I really don’t know what it will take to get to the level of a “Star Trek Existence” for mankind. A society without wars, mass suffering, indiscriminate killing by governments and famine. A society having Individual Civil Liberties for the common Joe & Jill without government stepping on the citizen’s face constantly. Maybe we’ll never get to that or something like it.
I once asked a very intelligent, accomplished and common-sense man this question, as we looked at his model of the “Star Ship Enterprise” in his bookcase display…
I asked him… “What type of society and ideology do you think will get us to a Star Trek existence?”
His stoic answer… “Nothing we have now.”
My Prime Directive
Like Mister Spock in Star Trek, I have a “Prime Directive” that defines much of what I write and talk about. My Prime Directive calls me to focus FIRST on Self-Reliance by preparation. Store food and water. The FIRST and most important items of preparation.
So, I try to limit political discussion or involvement of my thought process on politics or ideology because it’s by and large a waste of time, keyboard strokes and energy. Everyone in the world is “gumming to death” the various issues that don’t directly affect whether you will have enough water to keep you and your family and friends hydrated enough to survive or whether you will have enough to eat to ensure you, your family and they will live to have a future. Endless talk and speculation. Time and energy wasted in discussion instead of stockpiling food and storing water.
Do I think about or discuss other issues? Of course I do. But where I try to direct my energies is starting you and others to become Self-Reliant… storing food and water. Self-Reliance includes much more than food and water… but without those two of the Life Critical Supplies and Services, also known as, Life Essential Items… firearms, communications, tactics, medicines, shelter and neighborhood or area protection… are moot points of discussion. Without those two items… you will have no other points for discussion. You and Yours will most likely not be alive.
When the general debate gets to famine from the economic impact, civil disruption or conflict that will cause supply system interruption, I do take interest in those issues. Because those issues will directly impact the availability of food and water.
I sometimes feel like an insurance salesman… trying to sell something that people can’t see, feel, smell, taste or hold in their hands. Because food and water are so taken for granted that people can’t imagine being without them… like the air you breathe. It’s just there. So, telling people to store food and water is like talking to a brick wall.
“Folks, this is one of my email “sign offs,” which I refer to as “Termini (the end)…”
Jack Lawson
Member, Sully H. deFontaine Special Forces Association Chapter 51, Las Vegas, Nevada. Author of the “Civil Defense Manual,” “The Slaver’s Wheel,” “A Failure of Civility,” “And We Hide From The Devil” and “In Defense.”
“When an animal calls out a warning of danger, unseen to other animals, the others don’t question the motive as their instincts are still intact. When a human warns other humans, because precursors of issues that have repeatedly caused Mankind great harm and suffering throughout history are evident again, they laugh and call him a conspiracy theorist, because their instincts have been rendered useless. Any species that does not have the instinct of survival, that cannot or will not defend themselves, is doomed to extinction… as time has shown.”
From Jack Lawson… an American in 1RLI Support Commando and attached to Rhodesian “C Squadron” SAS Africa 1976-79
If your instincts have not been rendered useless… consider what you read here as a warning.
I will keep harping on food, water and medicine storage…
Most people are putting themselves and their family’s lives in jeopardy by spending their energies on the “current events” bullshytte !!
Spending your energies and letting your thoughts be consumed by election returns, your disgust with the latest Women’s Beauty Contest won by a tranny man, what’s going on in the Ukraine and Gaza, speculation on when China will invade Taiwan and other “current events” …and you will guarantee that your bloodline will disappear forever from humanity !!
Get my book… or buy other authors’ books I recommend at the end of this essay.
YOU MUST START storing Life Essential Items… food and water… then organizing your area. NOW.
The detailed step by step process of forming an area defense or mutual defense group is in the Civil Defense Manual
A warning from Michael Yon
Michael Yon warns repeatedly about famine and starvation in America. …he should know, he’s been on the field in almost every conflict on the face of this planet since going from the U.S. Army Special Forces in 1980 to a combat correspondence and journalist since then.
He’s seen the progression of issues and the collision of circumstances that has led from abundance and well-fed people in countries around the world… to food shortages, famine and starvation in those very same countries.
What, Who and Where you should be spending your energies on…
You must concentrate your thoughts, time and energies on your “Area Of Influence”…which is people you trust from where you live… Your ‘tribe…’ Your ‘village’
Your Area Of Influence is your home, your family, friends, neighbors… and your neighborhood!
Understand that these outlandish and preposterous societal and political situations ARE WHAT Globalists have designed and Mainstream News Media wants you to believe are the crucial issues to bare in mind and they want you to waste your time and energy on them. Their purpose is typical of Psychological Operations such as I studied in British Special Forces Training… to distract you, absorb your time and energies… to convince you that you’ve lost before the fight even begins… to demonize you and train you to have a “compassionate” mind. To keep you from having the ruthless state of mind necessary for survival.
From T.L. Davis…
The crisis of conscience is what kills the right every time. They want to win, but they don’t want to do anything dishonorable in the process. They won’t take a stint in jail to win. They won’t intentionally inflict emotional or psychiatric pain on another person, even if that person is intent on inflicting the same sort of damage upon them. In one way, it makes a person proud to be among such fine people, but if that leads to drag queen story hour with children, it takes the shine off of that pride.
The left suffers from no such crisis. This is not to say they don’t have a conscience, but that they see over the horizon of their immediate actions, or are, more accurately, willing to accept that vision, however clumsily and fraudulently presented, as a cause worthy of soiling their hands.
As we see now, a great many of the left have no other goal than to seize power. They never know what to do with it, except to revert to some animalistic nature of oppressing or killing all who oppose them, but they don’t suffer from the paralyzing fear of acting that the right does. T.L. Davis from his latest essay at
Regardless of what the issues are… they don’t change your ability to survive if you’re not prepared.
“The system that sustains people with food is an illusion to most people and may as well be magical and as real as Disneyland. It consists primarily of the grocery store, fast food outlets and restaurants in the minds of most people. This system has not broken down for most in the world to create death by starvation for decades. So, the meaning of the warning of my words to “store food now” is not there… because the suffering of starvation cannot be conveyed by most of Planet Earth’s living or their ancestors who have experienced it.
Countless conversations have taken place over food, starvation and survival from the lack of food. Most of those who buried their heads in the sand to these warnings you will never know… because they and their entire bloodlines are gone forever… never to be seen again.”
From Jack Lawson… an American in 1RLI Support Commando and attached to Rhodesian “C Squadron” SAS Africa 1977-79
Other authors, books and resources I recommend for Preparedness and Survival… because I don’t do this just for money… it’s also for my children and America!
Read Sun Tzu’s “The Art of War” at
What’s in the Civil Defense Manual?
In addition to newsletters on various subjects like protection from nuclear warfare and buying precious metals… and Chapters in the book from NC Scout on Radio Communications and Matt Bracken on “Night Fighting,” here’s a list of some of the subjects covered in the Civil Defense Manual…
- How to protect and secure your neighborhood against riot, civil unrest and fire using the CDM Neighborhood Protection PlanTM concept
- How to determine the level of danger from mobs where you live with this simple calculator
- Checklists of items you must immediately purchase when Extraordinary Catastrophic Events strike in practical check box checklist forms
- Tips on how to survive a gun battle
- How to get gas station fuel from underground tanks in a total Grid Down situation
- How neighbors can make their area a secure fortress by using simple military tactics
- Night fighting without night vision equipment-written by a Navy SEAL Officer
- Water sources, where are they and how to make water drinkable
- Emergency lighting on and off the grid, how to make a torch and lamp, how to make lamp oil from trees, how to make candles and wicks
- A simple way to store chicken eggs without refrigeration for up to two years
- What you need for individual/cooperative tools, supplies, equipment needed for survival
- Improvised security devices, improvised weapons and improvised attack vehicles
- How to make your own N95 equivalent reusable face mask
- The most probable catastrophes that are looming and what their characteristics will be
- How to make a bullet cause a shotgun effect by using the ‘skipping rounds’ technique
- Where and how to get salt from Mother Nature virtually anywhere
- The step by step procedure of organizing your neighborhood and how to put it in action
- What to buy in emergency foods and proper storage
- Cold weather refuge from freezing without burning fuel
- How to make Pemmican-the long-term storage food staple that provides everything you need in one food source
- Marksmanship fundamentals… how to logically and properly choose your firearm
- Medical information and resources and alternative pain control methods
- How to make your own hand sanitizer
- All about short and long-range radio communications
- Dental care, how to protect your teeth without a dentist and pain control methods
- How to make your own toothbrush and toothpaste
- What fuel to store and how to store it.
- The ABCs of alternative power sources
- How to survive hypothermia and cold weather when others die
- How to aggressively defend your neighborhood using strategies and simple military tactics that will defeat far superior forces
- How to survive biological infectious disease and protective equipment needed
- Principles of an Area Tactical Proactive Defense, patrolling and house clearing
- Strategic and tactical principles of thought
Tactics… Plain language explanations, that even with no military or Law Enforcement background, you can understand. Tactical and strategic principles, effects and movement:
- All Around Defense
- Fields of Fire
- Interlocking Fields of Fire
- Supporting Fields of Fire
- Element of Surprise
- Force Multiplier Effect
- Violence of Action
- Economy of Force
- Kill Zone maze
- Defense In Depth
- Flanking Attack principles
- L Shaped Ambush
- Cover and Fire Movement
- Fall Back Fighting Positions
- Area Tactical Proactive Defense (aggressive defense employing offensive maneuvers)
- Serpentine Entry Control
- Perimeter Defense and the Vauban Star Perimeter Defense principle
- Indirect Approach Strategy
- Employment and coordination of Inside Marksmen and OutFlanker Marksmen
- The Rapid Response Force
- The third Dimension of the Defensive Perimeter
- The Castle Concept
- Setting up long-range marksmen and observation posts
- How to fortify and defend a suburban neighborhood, high-rise building, ranch, farm or houseboat on a lake or river
- Where to hunker down in the city
- How to survive hurricane, earthquake, tornados, electrical power outages
- Why government can’t assist and why you and your neighbors are on your own.
- Why natural gas flow will stop with most severe disasters-contrary to popular thought
- The organizational structure needed for a CDM Neighborhood Protection PlanTM
- Defense Perimeter principles and how to build fortifications
- Surviving Nuclear Warfare where you are with what you have
- The effect of an Electro Magnetic Pulse event (EMP) on you and what it will damage
- How to build an inexpensive Faraday Cage
- Sanitation and care for the dead made simple
- Fire protection procedures
- What a disaster will really be like and how to mentally prepare yourself for disaster
- How to create an essential Intelligence Section to know what is happening in your area
- The A to Z of underground shelters and everything you could possibly want to know
- Security in Motion, Survival-Escape-Resistance-Evasion (SERE)
- How to deal with family, friends and those who don’t prepare
- Bullet proof vest protection level chart and penetration chart of common materials
- Morse Code chart
- Emergency Radio Frequency list
- The Military Phonetic Alphabet
- Calculation form for food, how many people it will feed and for how long
- Blood transfusion compatibility chart
- Chart of Catastrophic Events and Characteristics
- Numerous engaging and illustrative stories to heighten the learning experience
- Book features: Large font, written in Layman terms, practical check box checklists and forms, definitions, diagrams, depictions, charts, photographs and stories
The Civil Defense Manual is ONLY AVAILABLE at
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