“Do not live with doom and gloom thought. Be prepared. Become Self-Reliant. Then relax, enjoy each and every moment of life… and love your family with uninhibited passion. Pray for the best… but you know you’re ready for the worst.”
– Jack Lawson
Jack Lawson, pseudonym of the writer, served in the United States Air Force as a missile guidance and SAFO nuclear arming controls electronics technician and was later a member of Fire Force, a Foreign Legion airborne rapid response anti-terrorist unit during an anti-Communist guerilla war in Africa.
He was trained by British Commonwealth SAS and Israeli commando instructors and took part in counter insurgency operations and commando raids on Communist training and operating camps in a number of African countries. While there he became a bodyguard for a farmer’s cooperative group association in his off-duty time.
For seven years he served on one of the largest metropolitan police department Review Boards in the United States. As a member of that Review Board, he judged the justification of Officer Involved Shootings and use of deadly force incidents. He was also a consultant to the Officer in charge of the United States Marine Corps Special Warfare study in the evaluation of Fire Force procedures for heliborne vertical envelopment anti-terrorist tactics.
He wrote the book “The Slaver’s Wheel” about the Special Forces Legend, the late Colonel Sully deFontaine and is an Honorary Member of a U.S. Army Special Forces Association Chapter.

In his spare time, he enjoys his grandchildren, flying helicopters, writing, the study of history and strategies in warfare, weight lifting, fitness, armed and unarmed combat arts. He has a passion of encouraging people to become Self-Reliant and learning to tolerate each other and live in harmony to the best of their ability. He and his wife live in the Southwestern United States.
My Statement to Others
Jack Lawson is my writing pseudonym. I make the following statement to my Readers and those thinking of reading my works… “I have 75 years of life experience. I have a ‘color crayon box’ family of all races, beliefs, sexual identities, religions. I encourage people to tolerate each other and live in harmony. It is a struggle to maintain courtesy in my family… as it is in the world.”
“I have my doubts, though, that we’ll ever all be singing “We are the World” “Kumbaya” or any song that epitomizes emotionally warm, fuzzy feelings of human unity. How long any ‘human unity’ would exist is questionable to me. Why?”
“Because Capitalists, collectivists, politicians, bureaucrats, dictators, the religious zealot, special interest groups… and just plain ordinary people… always seem to have a more ‘enlightened guidance’ as to how each of us should live… than we ourselves do. The ‘enlightened’ of the above want to ‘guide you along the path’ to their ‘paradise’ even if it’s at gunpoint or with a cattle prod up your posterior.”
“I do believe that Americans are abandoning their belief in God and Higher Powers. This void is being filled by shameless egos. “Elites” …politicians, heads of State, bureaucrats, corporate leaders, religious leaders and those enthused with mis-directed ideologies… harbor beliefs in themselves of superiority over the common person. Their mentality is unfounded by their actual accomplishment, capabilities, ethics, or morality.”
“To make it worse,most of these egotistical people are permeated by deceit and corruption but inspired by their financial success and their belief in their personal illusionary magnificent self-image. They feel they can do anything without recourse. These people are legends in their own minds and unfortunately the mass of people who are shallow in depth of character, adore and worship them as if they are “Divine.” “
“There is no doubt that organized religion has harmed humanity many times over past thousands of years. However, I believe that much more good has come to societies when people have a compassionate creed towards other people and are truly humble before, and believe in a benevolent, immortal spirit much larger and more powerful than themselves.”
“I don’t really know what it will take to get to the level of a ‘Star Trek Existence’ for mankind. We just know that making decisions by emotion, burying your head in the sand while ignoring the truth, being ‘politically correct,’ suppressing the spirit of man as some ideologies do and insisting that your minority view of life be forced on the majority… won’t get us there.”
“But until such time as we do get to a better understanding and acceptance and learn to live in peace amongst each other… violence… and the defense against it by countering with violence… will be a necessity. I still hope for the best from our species… and it amazes me constantly that in this world of brutality, struggle and suffering… that I see compassion and the basic goodness that exists in most human beings.”
“Your survival depends on being decent to each other… I have seen the carnage from conflict few people have witnessed. There are too many people… for a world too small… only dinosaurs and fools think otherwise.”
I do not live in doom and gloom, rather… “Be prepared. Then relax, enjoy each and every moment of life… and love your family with uninhibited passion. Pray for the best… but you know you’re ready for the worst.” – Jack Lawson