Categorized Photos & Memes
A Collapse Of Society book and essay photos and memes
AA. Americanism
BB. Climate Change
CC. Clown World
EE. Common Sense Statements
FF. Communism/Socialism/NAZI Collectivists
GG. Covid/Epidemic/Pandemic Hoaxes
HH. DIE, DEI-LBGXYZ-Liberals-Woke-Diversity
II. Dystopia
JJ. Economic-Inflation-Health
KK. Globalist
LL. Government Malfeasance-Incompetence-Tyranny
MM. Guns
NN. Humor
OO. Illegal Immigration
PP. Information/Documentary/Notices
QQ. Paranoia/Conspiracy Theories/PsyOps
RR. Patriotism
SS. Political Truths
TT. Prepper Survival
UU. PsyOps Mainstream News Media
WW. State of the Nation
XX. War is Good Business
YY. White Rights
ZZ. Zionists/Fake and False Khazarian Satanists (Jews In Name Only, No Hebrew DNA in them)
A Collapse Of Society book and essay photos and memes
Family portrait after World War I
Evaldas Ivanauskas 1926
James Nachtwey
Meme, cant find original
AA. Americanism
BB. Climate Change
CC. Clown World
DD. Cognitive Dissonance
“Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity”
Hanlon’s Razor
“At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move all the tables and chairs out of the way, and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theatre.” – Frank Zappa
EE. Common Sense Statements
When you are a cog in a clock, you don’t even know what time it is.
(Photo courtesy of Edwards Performance Solutions)
“There are NO conspiracies, but there are NO coincidences” Steve Bannon, Patriot
“Life makes plans for each of us… even though we may not agree with them.” Jean-Claude Van Damme from “The Darkness of Man”
“There are only two ways of telling the complete truth — anonymously and posthumously.” – Thomas Sowell
FF. Communism/Socialism/NAZI Collectivists
“First, they call you a racist… and then they execute you.”
August 21, 1940… Today in History, Leon Trotsky became a good Communist. According to the Chasing Ghosts Podcast@ZeroGov, “Someone stopped by to ‘axe’ him a question.”
Hugo Boss Fashions. Not just your average NAZI
GG. Covid/Epidemic/Pandemic Hoaxes
Babylon Bee
Babylon Bee
HH. DIE, DEI-LBGXYZ-Liberals-Woke-Diversity
Cultural ignorance… which America excels, at while “bringing democracy to them.”
From what I can tell, the next plan was “Pedophilia is normal you Bigot! Give us your children!”
“Ha Ha, please to face wall Comrade.”
My birth State which I am ashamed of now including members of my family who naively promote this. Corrupt mental logic.
II. Dystopia
“People should either be caressed or crushed. If you do them minor damage, they will get their revenge; but if you cripple them there is nothing they can do. If you need to injure someone, do it in such a way that you do not have to fear their vengeance.” – Niccolo Machiavelli
“Whenever there is a jackboot stepping on a human face, there will be a well-heeled Western Liberal to explain that the face does, after all, enjoy free health care and 100% literacy” – John Derbyshire
Caption: The artists, Andreas Knitz and Horst Hoheisel, created the ‘Memorial to the grey buses’ out of concrete. It is to commemorate the transport with grey-painted buses, which on the orders of the Nazis, transported people to the killing centers. [Inscription: ‘Where are you taking us?’ 1940-41.]
JJ. Economic-Inflation-Health
Net National Savings Rate: 1955 to 2024
KK. Globalist
LL. Government Incompetence-Malfeasance-Tyranny
In case you are not familiar with him, Thomas Sowell is with the Heritage Foundation. I would nominate him and Victor Davis Hanson as the two smartest men in America. Sowell, a Harvard graduate, was a former Leftist, but sometime in the 1980s he came to his senses. Now, “He calls ’em like he sees ’em.”
MM. Guns
NN. Humor
OO. Illegal Immigration
Ah, Africa today! Run by the Socialist black African leaders who let the International World of Corporations pay them off, steal their resources for yesterday’s prices and abuse their people! Come to Europe and America! As the white Africans called Africa… “Africa, the Continent of the Apocalypse Now and the Land of Blood and Tears.”- Author Jack Lawson
One of your soon to be neighbors, stopping for refreshments while on the way to America. He won’t know how to use your toilet either or what it is. He will straddle your sink and urinate in it like I saw in Africa… I lived there. As the White Africans there call it… “The Continent of the Apocalypse Now” and “The Land of Blood and Tears.”
PP. Information-Documentary-Notices
First Paper “Sovereign” Currency Austria 1762
“My ‘Escape Pod’ …Matt Bracken books. An escape better than any drug or drink… it puts me in another world.”
The “Father” of modern Hand to Hand Combat, gunfighting and the creator of the SWAT Team (Special Weapons and Tactics). He was in over 600 street fights and stabbed 200 some times. Everything you will learn about fighting is based on what this man taught and wrote, nothing since is new. Get his books, read them and practice his methods. Go to the Military & Naval Press.
William Ewart Fairbairn 1885-1960
Lieutenant-Colonel British Royal Marines and Chief Instructor of the Shanghai, China Municipal Police Department 1909-1934.
TCDP Supplements
About W. E. Fairbairn
Let’s begin our Discussion of the Fairbairn’s Timetable of Death by first looking at who he was. The following was taken from WikiPedia:
William Ewart Fairbairn (28 February, 1885–20 June, 1960) was a British soldier, police officer and exponent of hand-to-hand combat method, the close combat, for the Shanghai Police between the world wars, and allied special forces in World War Two. He developed his own fighting system known as Defendu, as well as other weapons tactics. Notably, this included innovative pistol shooting techniques and the development of the Fairbairn-Sykes Fighting Knife.
The television series Secrets of War suggested him as a possible inspiration for Q branch in James Bond.
Military Career
Fairbairn served with the Royal Marine Light Infantry starting in 1901, and joined the Shanghai Municipal Police (SMP) in 1907. During his service with the International Police in Shanghai, Fairbairn reportedly engaged in hundreds of street fights in the course of his duties over a twenty-year career, where he organised and headed a special anti-riot squad. Much of his body, arms, legs, torso, even the palms of his hands, was covered with scars from knife wounds from those fights. Fairbairn later created, organised and trained a special anti-riot squad for the Shanghai police force, as well as developing numerous firearms training courses and items of police equipment, including a special metal-lined bulletproof vest designed to stop high-velocity bullets from the 7.63x25mm Mauser pistol.
During World War II, he was recruited by the British Secret Service as an Army officer, where he was given the nickname “Dangerous Dan”. Together with fellow close-combat instructor Eric Sykes, Fairbairn was commissioned on the General List in 1941. He trained British, American and Canadian Commando forces, along with Ranger candidates in close-combat, pistol-shooting and knife-fighting techniques. Fairbairn emphasized the necessity of forgetting any idea of gentlemanly conduct or fighting fair: “Get tough, get down in the gutter, win at all costs… I teach what is called ‘Gutter Fighting.’ There’s no fair play, no rules except one: kill or be killed,†he declared.
For his achievements in training OSS personnel, Fairbairn eventually rose to the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel by the end of the war, and received the U.S. Legion of Merit (Officer grade) at the specific request of “Wild Bill” Donovan, founder of the U.S. O.S.S.
In an effort to define how long it takes for a person wounded by a knife wound to either lose consciousness or die from hypovolemic shock, Fairbairn created his well-known Timetable of Death.
No one knows quite for sure where he got his numbers but they have come under some scrutiny in the past few years. While no one doubts his fighting prowess or his intent to train troops, but his numbers seem to be off the mark in areas. For instance, the depth of some arteries and organs appear to be different from known anatomical sciences.
It also appears that his estimates of bleed out times do not match with tactical experience. Due to these inaccuracies, a few researches have attempted to re-calculate the times. I too have taken up this challenge!
From looking at the attempts of others, it appeared to me that blood pressure, the effects of Body Alarm Response, heart rate and other factors such as gender, were not being factored into the calculations.
After great research, it became obvious to me that new methods had to be created that took all of this information into consideration. My calculations are based on Cardio Physics of the human body.
The basic conclusion of this research is that several knife fighting tactics are flawed. When one considers that some knife instructors advocate attacking vascular targets due to bleed out time, it becomes apparent that they may not have complete information. Or else, their numbers may be based on Fairbairn’s original research. While attacking vascular targets do in fact kill, the times are often longer than what most people expect.
To make it far easier to calculate time for shock, time to loss of consciousness, and finally time to death, I created an application to make running scenarios much easier. With this tool, it is possible to estimate these times for various genders, body sizes (height and weight), different heart rates, and blood pressures. This allows you to simulate at rest as well as under stresses. Moreover, you can see the effects of stress on the body.
QQ. Paranoia-Conspiracy Theories/PsyOps
RR. Patriotism
I was once served in the United States Military and the Foreign Legion in Africa… riskingto my lifegive my life for what I believed this countryAmerica and Western Values stood for.
Today, I’d only give my life to protect my family and friends from what the shameful state this country has become…
Author Jack Lawson
SS. Political Truths
TT. Prepper Survival
Nadjia Foxx memes copyrighted
Author Charles Bukowski
UU. PsyOps Mainstream News Media
The real story behind this photo that the Mainstream Media omitted back in 1968 and used to create sympathy for the Communists, shows the leader of the Viet Cong suicide squad that killed 26 members of his family just before the Chief of Police of Saigon blew his brains out. The 26 dead included the Chief’s wife and all his children.
VV. Religion-Positive Thought
WW. State of the Nation
XX. War is Good Business
Arundhati Roy
YY. White Rights
Read the Book “White Gold”
ZZ. Zionists/Fake and False Khazarian Satanists (Jews In Name Only, No Hebrew DNA in them)
Author of “The Fate of Empires and the Search for Survival”